May 13Liked by Nora Herold

So happy you have landed. The rose quartz, the dogs resting, your first meal.. thank you for sharing it all. Our lil pink valley is missing you and holding your intentions ever so close. Xoxo Trudy F.

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Thank you so much, Trudy. Sending you my love right back.

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Thinking of you! I hope you’re being easy with yourself and resting!

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Thank you! We are :)

Love right back to you and Joel

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Such a journey you're on! I adore your posts. Thank you so much for sharing. It's bringing back some memories, which is a good thing! Sending you vibes of peaceful settling-in. 💜

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Thank you so much. Sending you my love.

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Have enjoyed following your journey. Taking deep breaths filling my lungs to help control the anxiousness I’m feeling. We have been waiting for the perfect buyer for our house here in NM so we can move back home to Montana. Your posts have built faith for me in this process. Glad you have landed safely. Thank you.

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Lori Park, I'm Susan Todd, part of this community and I live in Santa Fe, my husband and daughter are partners in real estate here and have buyers looking. Maybe for your house! Let me know if you want to tell them about your house. Xoxo

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

We are in Las Cruces. Yes, absolutely that would be wonderful. You can find it on Zillow . Address is 1302 Night Shade Crt Las Cruces NM


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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Excellent, I'll tell them!

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Thank you so much. Wishing you ease and sending you love

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Nora, I'm so glad you have landed with such a loving and wonderful welcome! And I hope you guys can now take your time to slump into the couch and breathe and relax. I truly send you all LOVE. And give those fur babies a hug too.

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Thank you so much, Susan, for this and everything. Slump! Ha! What is that?

Our stuff comes on Wednesday. Excited to unpack.

Sending love right back.

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Total body goosebumps again reading your response here.

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Beautiful! Enjoy and unfold 💕💝

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Thank you so much. Sending love

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

I’m so grateful to know you’ve all landed and it fills my heart. I understand that ebb and flow of states - I too am going through moments of tears then gratitude during a time of great uncertainty and unknown - but then again, I suppose that’s always what we’re navigating on Earth, the uncertain and unknown. It’s a gift to read about this ongoing journey and I continue to send LOVE!!!

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Hugs and love right back

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold

Glad to hear you're in Chicago! Your apartment is so big! It sounds like a really cosy, welcoming space to land. We have our own Chicago connections, we recorded 2 albums there. Both at Electrical Audio, Steve Albini's studio. He sadly passed away this week. So my head is full of all the amazing people we met during our times there and my heart is heavy. But it's also nice to think about all the memories x

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Thank you! It is big and welcome and cozy and beautiful.

I have many ties to Steve Albini through other people. Amazing that you were here and sad about his passing.

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May 13Liked by Nora Herold


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May 14Liked by Nora Herold

I'm so sorry for your loss

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May 14Liked by Nora Herold

Happy you have arrived and that the pack is acclimating well. Looks like such a beautiful welcome . . . The chrystal, the messages, the food! Have also enjoyed witnessing the journey and appreciate your sharing it.

I just returned from Philly where I spent some time with mother-in-law and mother. Was a good trip, although yesterday I really felt as if I had to nap, and I did, even though I felt rude. It was the right thing to do. It’s a beautiful night and I’m kinda holding out to see if the northern lights are gonna show up. Several people in the area saw them on Friday. It is very rare, but would be so exciting!

Love to you all 💕- and faerie magic 🧚🏻‍♀️

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I hope you get to see them.

Napping is always a good idea.

Sending you love from not nearly as far away as I used to

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May 14Liked by Nora Herold

I hope so too! - not as far away - 🎉❤️🧡💛

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Nora Herold

I can feel the rose quartz vibe through your whole share. Heart warming to hear you’ve had such a warm welcome to your new/old home! I look forward to hearing what your Chicago-return brings for you.✨🫶✨

I’ve been a big strong mix of feelings as well lately, but predominantly feeling anticipation this week as I’m on my last week of phototherapy for my feet and seeing my dermatologist on Friday to hopefully start a new biologic treatment that I have very high hopes for! I was resistant to going down this path for quite a while, but now it feels like it’s going to be my permission slip to get my healthy feet back!! This medicine is brand new and is a bit miraculous with such good results and next to no side effects. I know I could have healed my feet naturally in time, but this way will save me from months (if not years) of more struggle and pain, so it’s a no brainer. Three more sleeps! 🤞

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Science and support via science is you healing yourself in my opinion.

So happy for your and your healthy road.

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What a wild time this has turned into. I keep expecting the energies to calm the fuck down and they just aren’t. That said, I’m so glad you all are landing well and with such, warm, heart connections to receive you. You’ve crossed my mind a few times in the last week as I’ve wondered where you were in your journey and how it was going, so I’m so glad to get the update. The full circle nature of it all really rings true in this post. How amazing, and even a bit surreal, life can be.

In my world, I’ve really been enjoying the spaciousness without the one job. I didn’t realize how much it was weighing me down and keeping me busy for busy sake. I’ve really enjoyed not having it on my plate.

That said, the open space has also created, well, open space, for lots of deep, underlying emotions to come through. Lots of depression vibes over here, tears, moving slowly, deep naps as I feel like my whole operating system is changing, from knowing myself through other people to really knowing and relating to myself through me. Deep grappling with my life as it is, the world as it is, and wanting it all to be different. Feeling out of touch with my own power, scared to access it, but seeing all the ways I’ve tried to access it outside of myself. Like xyz person or scenario will give it to me, which isn’t how it actually works. But accessing it from within feels ridiculously new and unknown and terrifying, like I’m going to lose everything if I do that.

I have so many emotions and I also find myself envious of the people who seem to be able to emote with others. Who somehow attract people in to hold them while they’re in tender spaces, whereas I seem to put up walls and push people away when I’m in those spaces, even though it’s the last thing I want. I don’t know how they do it and it’s definitely something I want to open to. I can feel the envy and yearning showing me what I want more of for myself.

I guess that’s enough for now. Gosh things feel weird and all over the place in my insides. Like I can’t tell what way is up or down or what I even like or don’t like or want or don’t want anymore. It’s all messy and strange. Bleeeeehhhhh! I assume I’m not the only one feeling this way these days, but gosh is it hard to remember that sometimes.

Thank you for reading and opening a space for all of our humanness. I’m grateful for it every single week. 🙏🏼💜

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Sending you so much love, Helen.

I too used to put those walls up that you speak of and still do at times, when I am feeling super vulnerable.

Thank you for being so honest and accessible here.

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May 14Liked by Nora Herold

Oh, I resonate with you completely! I left my corporate job a year and a half ago and I’ve felt all that you described. The open space really does bring up so much we have stored on the inside it’s quite overwhelming. I’ve always been a people pleaser and this past year has been nothing short of a revelation for me. At the beginning, when I visited a clothing store by myself, I was so overwhelmed because I was not used of making decisions which were mine alone. It was quite scary how little I knew of mysef and how lagging behind I felt compared to others. I push people away too and after a while everyone stops trying! I’ve learnt this the hard way and I’m done pushing people away too! I’m on job hunt right now and sometimes I feel so secure that the unknown will bring all that and all those people that I am in need of and the other times, the unknown is the most scary place to be. I never accepted it to myself but truthfully, it feels a bit lonely. But reading your comment makes me feel less lonely. Thank you for sharing this!!! Please try to find some comfort that someone else feels the exact same way and is grateful for you! I wish for you to attract people that you need! Sending you sooo much love!!!❤️

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May 14Liked by Nora Herold

I’m so glad you’ve already filled your space with people you resonate with!! I’m a dog person too and your pack looks so huggable and so loving! Sending you energies of love and joy❤️

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Thank you! Love and joy right back to you.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Nora Herold

My god, those solar storms did such a number on me.... feeling shell shock energetically. Feel like I want to burrow deep, deep, deep underground.

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Somehow I managed to avoid the experience due to needing to keep going with our move. Sending you love

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