It’s sad and almost incomprehensible how broken we humans are

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sending you my love

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I came to a similar understanding last evening.

Listening to the supporters talk, I could hear the same belief/hope that finally the abuser is going to behave properly and life will improve.

Those of us who have lived/broken that cycle know what is coming.

As mad as I am about those who believe you must suffer to be rewarded in the afterlife, I also understand that they can’t yet see their abuser as we can/do. They haven’t hit rock bottom. They still believe that their love can fix/heal/change their abuser. Right now they are in the calm/honeymoon phase. Unfortunately, I still will feel the collective pain when the abuser reverts back to their true form.

My main concern in this moment is what can I do to help those that will become collateral damage.

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This is so resonate with me and I love your take on all of this. Thank You

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Nora, I really appreciate you articulating this so clearly. This connection between unresolved trauma and choosing abusive political leaders has been percolating in my mind for months. I can't help but feel that the genocide being perpetrated on the people of Gaza is reenacting the unresolved trauma of the Holocaust, though I don't have the courage to say so publicly.

On a microcosmic level, this dynamic you're describing played out within my very own family this election. My mother intended to vote for Trump, despite my son and I explicitly informing her how a trump presidency could directly harm my son. It took me a while to parse out the various levels of betrayal I felt, and at the bottom was this: she threw me and my son under the bus for Trump exactly the way she and my grandmother threw me under the bus by choosing my grandfather as a babysitter that fateful day when I was ten years old. It was the only time in my life he was alone with me, and I still bear the scars. To leave your ten year old daughter in the care of the same man who used to chase your own mother around the kitchen with a butcher knife while she screamed takes a mega dose of denial. She knew he was a monster, just like she knows Trump is a monster. But the little girl inside of her is so desperate for daddy's love that she never received and deep down hopes that if she's just loyal enough, long enough, he will become the father she needed and wanted him to be. That little girl's loyalty has been projected onto Trump, and she threw her only living descendants under the bus for him.

I dont know how we as nation, as humanity, begin to heal this pattern collectively, but I'm committed to my own healing. As they say, let it begin with me. For now, let us all hold each other close and stand against the storm. Sending you tons of love this morning, my friend.

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Thank You! I send you love

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Bent but not broken. Sums up exactly how I feel.

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Loved this, Nora. Thanks.

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Thank you, Jay

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The you Tuber Susan Lyn last video about the election is really about bully’s and it’s very interesting she is saying how to look at in in your own life .

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Kamala had so much light she smiled

And said “I see the promise of America in all of you “ and it was a transmission. I feel very dark forces are at play and I am going to take this opportunity to go within. I have more compassion for the Trumpers than I did before the election . I bless them and want what is best for them . However I do not want any in my life and it’s a boundary I hope not to cross . One day but not today

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First of all I am sorry, very sorry.

Some what this feels like I failed.

My boundaries are clear to me: I do not want to hear, listen, have mensioned those people to me. If I have to allow their existence, I do not have to live in their shodow. I take my power back.

I do not wish harm to anyone. But accountability.

I am shocked at the hate they are expressing against... well everything, and I know that in the end they hate themselves. Wonderful, that helps a lot... not at all, right now who gives a f*k that they hate themselves, because in the end they have voted to destroy everyone else. That is what I will not forgive. That they are broken, I do understand and I am sorry. But when they use it to harm everyone else, there I put the stop to it all.

Yeah I've seen it: Harris and Biden will enslave us all... after 4 years of Biden admin, are you a slave? No, so... But it's just a waste of time to try to explain things to them. They are delusional and do want to stay in it, as you explain it very well. They want to keep being a victime and to be victimised. What would they keep complaining about, if there were any resolution to their problems.

I've been wondering if allowing angry and harmed people to vote is a good thing. They tend to vote expressing their abuse, and asking for more. I do not have an answer.

Atlantis fall from the inside.

Rome fall from the inside.

In the end, as we come back to love and healing, this only means that we have a lot of work ahead of us, bringing as much healing as we can, bringing as much love as we have, which is infinite.

We have to come back to this, we have to come back to ourselves, into our power.

I love you Nora, you have made a huge difference.

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It seems to me that when we get through the feelings of loss and grief it is time to focus on being in the reality that we choose not theirs. We have already chosen to live in a reality that is not the one that was handed to us by patriarchy. When we are ready to let go of the old one and direct our consciousness to the new one that is already up and running and needing our attention desperately then we will see how powerful we truly are and what we have already gotten started will only get stronger and this will be a wave like no one ever expected from any election. This wave comes from deep within our collective soul and it is enormous and completely unstoppable unless we let it go in favor of mourning what we didn't want in the first place. Yes, mourn. And then get on with the great joy of creating the reality that we really want communally and outside of the box of crap we were handed and don't want any part of. We already know how, it's what we are already doing in our own lives, and there will be droves and droves of others coming and asking us to show the way. And we can do that already come we just need to do more of it. I am already experiencing the great joy of having people come to me asking for help and being so grateful for it. No resistance just want to hear. There is much much more of that coming. We need to quit going to the empty wells of the past and go to the wealths that we have already filled up for ourselves. Around those wells that the new Earth will be built. They are already here and now and up and running. They are us.

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I feel this as well. I believe these “results “ will trigger great growth which is probably the plan. I see Kamala as the. Rightful winner , but now the task at hand is emotional cleanup which is powerful

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It's funny, I was waiting for a post from you so we could all share and be connected in the comments together, and now that it's here, I'm finding it hard to participate. I'm so mad, so angry, so hurt. I appreciate your perspective about all the unresolved trauma playing out in this collective way. That feels helpful as I try to comprehend, to understand, to make sense of it all.

After 2016, I felt such a swell of taking the high road, being the better person, compassion, not holding people's votes against them, seeing people as more than who they voted for. This time, I've been honestly surprised by how over that I feel. Your vote tells me who you are, tells me important information about you, and I'm actively making all the meaning. I have zero desire to forgive, to be the better person, to still connect and engage or see people outside of this. It feels like the deepest, most sacred, loud NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO!!! You don't get to do this. I'm not going to make nice with abusers and rapists and racists and people who condone it all. Like we're being asked to share a house with these people and act like it's all okay. IT'S NOT FUCKING OKAY. GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!

So yeah, lots of rage and hurt and pain over here.

Also a clarifying of priorities and values though too. I feel myself anchoring more deeply into my body, my life, and my hyper local community of friends and family. What difference and what actions can I take here, where I can actually get traction? Where do my actions have tangible impact? And really separating for the moment from the outer stage where I don't have that same sense of traction or impact and thus just feel drained.

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I agree with you. I feel like if this is what you signed up for. you ( meaning his supports ) should be delivered what they asked for. Just like black people say they dont want to make us priveledged folk feel better. Its not my job to essuage them in any way. I feel like you do Helen.

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First off, your writing and insights are masterful. Thank you for sharing them. By the grace of Source—God—somehow, there are those of us who are driven to heal and untangle the trauma our souls have endured. We are in a constant vigil, striving to understand, feel, and love our way through this human experience. I completely understand that this is not everyone’s path. And I absolutely believe that what keeps our world turning is love that has been forged through transmuted trauma. Yet there is so much trauma out there that remains unresolved.

I’m still reeling from the shock of the election results, struggling to find any good or see the beauty around me. I’ve done plenty of self-love work with FOAL, yet I still don’t feel at peace. I think I may be entering the anger stage of grief. This stage is tough for me because anger in my childhood home was associated with violent rage, so I’ve had to learn how to be appropriately angry. I’m trying. I’m trying not to snap at Michael—and actually doing well with that.

I truly appreciate the outpouring of care and love we've given and received from so many. I’m a bit shaky right now, but I know that eventually, I’ll find my way through these feelings as part of the path toward healing and self-love.

Thank YOU Nora

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I did my job. I saw so much light and JOY in Kamala and Tim and she is a gift. When she said " I see the promise of America in all of you " I felt that was a transmission. I unappologitcally state I am in love with all that energy. I love this quote : the future is substance waiting for direction . So lets give it direction. Personally I am heartbroken and down but not out. I have to regain my center. I am listening to the book Born by Dee Walace . I am holding light for the best outcome and open to miracles. I am holding the joy of her smile and rallys in my heart. I did my homework. i sent out my energetic message. I have compassion for the magas now more than ever. Lets pray they get it for all our sakes. I also believe Putin was involved. Lets see how this rolls out . Right now it appears we are in a nightmare of global order. Seeking to change that so it does not happen and it wont happen in my own life. I feel like this was a HIJACKING right out of a movie . I think I posted something similar before - my brain is not working properly

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I love this! Thank you for wording it so beautifully.

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Thank you for your post Nora. It felt like there was such an air of silence within the spiritual community, and it is a relief to hear someone speak out about the grief of it all. I had to turn to the night-time talk shows with Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers who addressed the moment with honest feeling and a little laughter. Here in Canada we are your neighbours and friends and we too had such hope for the collective choice that your election represented, for a new era of female leadership in the world; we feel the impact of this here too - we feel for you and for the Collective. Much love to you.

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One reason I began distancing myself from many in the spiritual community, is there was a lot of conspiratorial thinking ( the Kabal, the global elite, the we are waiting for others to wake up, were the light workers, the masses are asleep) all that stuff. Now we are waiting for the magas to wake up. Done waiting. I really feel strongly that its time for truth both on a personal level and govt level. I know a few things. I resonated with the Joy in the harris campain and this loss is a joy slayer to so many who were shooting for a higher vibration . Plus the damage this dark regime can do. I very much wish for a miracle. I need to be clear about who I am , what I will stand for. A feel all the feels

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So well said! That's same here. Thank you and love to you

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Thank you Nora. Your insights are accurate to me. I too am bent but not broken. I have not had dinner with my big (happy) family of origin in many years. My choice to not sit at the table of people who didn’t have my back when I told them I was leaving my abusive husband. It’s bothered me and I’ve tried to find peace in it - the guilt because I was raised to tow the line and let the abuser get away with it because after all it was all my fault. I see this- with the Trump voters - hoping they please the king so they are chosen and won’t be hurt.

All the wounds I chose to heal. And I’m pretty fired up to continue to do what I do and heal and help others continue to heal. Find our groups and share our stories and give each other hope that is real and raw and gritty!

Thank the goddess for canines! And my little 8 month old granddaughter! 🧡

Thanks Nora and I’m sorry for all you endured.

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