What Happened to the Timeline? - The Pleiadians
Transcribed Excerpt from our Winter Solstice Event on December 19, 2024
Our gratitude and love to Susan Todd for generously transcribing. This piece has been edited for print.
“From our perspective, let's talk a bit about what happened in November because you have questions and are wondering about it, and there are a lot of theories out there. Let us say this, what we don't want to do is contribute to the noise because there's a lot of noise out there right now on all sides, a lot. So we're offering something for you to play with, that can help you better understand the events that played out and feel more empowered right now.
You were on a particular timeline. You jumped to that timeline during the summer, and it looked like, to all of you tuning in or most of you tuning in, this particular timeline had a specific outcome regarding the election. It looked that way to you all.
From our perspective, that timeline is still valid. It was not hijacked nor was it disrupted. All that occurred was that there were not enough individuals in your world aligned with that timeline to birth it into reality, at that moment.
Take a breath. Remember that timing is the thing that is beyond your control. You hoped that jumping onto that timeline and holding your hearts in that space would give you that outcome within two months, really you had about two months, a little more, but it was about two months. That was not enough time to bring it about, but the timeline is still valid. The timeline still exists. Your intentions, your hearts, your hope, your love, your connection, and your desire are all still valid, and that energy is still moving.
Take a breath here, feel yourself connecting to that timeline, and realize you're still on that timeline. You are still on it. You have not deviated from the timeline you put yourselves on. The collective timeline is this timeline. It is just now going to take what looks like a more roundabout way to get you to where you all desire to be.
What we don't want you to perceive is that it had to be this way. It did not. What we don't want you to see is that the pain and the suffering that is already being felt by the collective and the pain and the suffering that is a potential as a result of this outcome is necessary to birth the ultimate good of this timeline. It is not. However, in your world, there are still too many humans stuck in the loop of suffering, too many humans believing on some level that it has to get worse before things can get better for everyone, and this in large part is why you currently have the outcome you have.
So when you hear others around you wanting to project onto Trump an identity as one serving the collective good because he is going to do so many terrible things, as he already has, it's completely fine for you to disagree with that point of view at the moment. Now, you can feel free to keep that to yourself if you want or to share your disagreement, depending on your comfort at the moment, but let yourselves notice how it's already out there. It's already being said, this idea is already being supported, and again, this goes back to the loop of suffering.
Alright, so take a breath, shake yourselves out, and let yourselves clear that away. We did want to address this.
The other thing about timelines is there is the collective timeline, and then there are your individual experiences and individual timelines. While you are limited to some extent by the collective agreements and collective timeline, there is a pretty big bandwidth here on the timeline itself. There are the lower vibrational experiences on the current timeline and the higher vibrational experiences on the current timeline. It is always going to be up to you personally where you choose to land on the bandwidth, and you can use what we gave you earlier today, that feeling of calm, radiated outward into the aspects of you that are feeling other things to facilitate this, and then the physical actualization of that shift out into the world in some way. You can use this method to put yourself personally on that highest moment for yourself on the timeline that you're currently, collectively traveling.
One of the things coming up in all of your subconsciousness as we talk about this is the struggle you're all having regarding the disparity of experiences in your world and the fact that some people experience more suffering and others experience less suffering, and is it appropriate for you as a human to sit in a genuine space of joy when other humans are being attacked, persecuted, all of the things. We equate it to your psychological condition of survivor's guilt. It's very much the same.
Your suffering will not do anyone any good. If you feel on some level that you should be suffering along with the other person you see suffering, first, let us say, that because you are all one, yes, at some level, some aspect of you is suffering along with them. You are, this is your empathy, this is your compassion. This does not mean you need to replicate their physical experiences and circumstances. What you can do at that moment is hold yourself in your vibration, in your space of security, empowerment, and connectedness, and then be of service as much as you can in as many ways as you can, in energetic ways and ways that are much more physically obvious.” - The Pleiadians
The audio recording from this transmission is available here. There was so much more information and support given regarding the current timeline we are traveling along with some magic for the Solstice gateway, a process to use the feeling of peace and calm from within to deepen the integration experience, and a powerful spell for the New Moon coming up on December 30th.
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Especially when your inner knowing does not match what you see out there it can be crazy making . I keep just going back to what feels
Like my deepest truth . I know where im pointing my energy . We’re creating the future like building a plane while flying
So I feel more called to chose wisely
the question of whether we shifted timeline is on my mind because it very much feels like we're living in a timeline that was not meant to be (and I still think that).
But the thing that landed for me was the part about our individual timeline and the collective timeline. I'm definnitely feeling odd that I'm deeply engaged in work that gives me great joy and for which I have deep deep passion and I am feeling that, while at the same time, you know, the other thing is happening. It's odd to reconcile those, to realise that it's possible to have a really good day filled with joy and love and purpose in the midst of impending destruction.
I have no conclusion or answer here just sharing.