I love this message of light and positivity Nora. Thank you for your shares.

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Thank you, Audra.

Happy Solstice and Happy New Year to you!

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OMG, this is the only explanation that has made the most sense to me. I still see this timeline. Thank you so much. I am going there with the let's suffer to evolve - NO need

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Thank you, Rabia

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Thank you for this reminder. I was so relieved and filled with joy when the Pleiadians offered this perspective, as it resonated with what I've been perceiving energetically, as well as with information I'm receiving from my own guides. I'm still learning to trust my own perception and guidance, and it's very helpful when I have confirmation from an outside source I trust. Much love to you and Jon, Nora. ✨💗

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Much love right back

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Especially when your inner knowing does not match what you see out there it can be crazy making . I keep just going back to what feels

Like my deepest truth . I know where im pointing my energy . We’re creating the future like building a plane while flying

So I feel more called to chose wisely

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the question of whether we shifted timeline is on my mind because it very much feels like we're living in a timeline that was not meant to be (and I still think that).

But the thing that landed for me was the part about our individual timeline and the collective timeline. I'm definnitely feeling odd that I'm deeply engaged in work that gives me great joy and for which I have deep deep passion and I am feeling that, while at the same time, you know, the other thing is happening. It's odd to reconcile those, to realise that it's possible to have a really good day filled with joy and love and purpose in the midst of impending destruction.

I have no conclusion or answer here just sharing.

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Yes, I can relate completely.

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Thank you for this transmission, Nora.

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You're welcome :)

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Thank you ✌️❤️🕯️

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You're welcome :)

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