WELL SAID!! Every time I hear "opportunities for growth" or any of the phrases you mentioned the grooves in my desk where I dig my nails in and claw at it, gets deeper and I want to scream.

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I get that so much.

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I have been struggling with the realization that my mentor, with whom I’ve done a lot of healing work, voted for Trump. It has been quietly devastating because I trusted her and hoped to work together for many more years. But I feel that I want to build a different world and don’t want my mind to be clouded by those with thinking that could steer me away from my path. Do you have any thoughts or advice?

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I am so sorry.

My only advice is to trust yourself.

Sending you my love.

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I have definitely been on both sides of this and probably still straddle sometimes. The first time I really looked critically at it was in high school when I was struggling with an eating disorder. Along with the "things always happen for a reason," people also said "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." I thought - "was this God's doing? What kind of God would do this?" More recently - I found the work of other channelers who said we know our path before we come into these lives, or - separation is part of "the game." I hate that last bit. I hate it when people call this a game. Sick fucking game.

Anyway - I had a hard time fully reconciling the - "work on your own vibration" - messaging, given the really strong pull to be of service. Maybe that's co-dependency, or an over-inflated sense of responsibility and control. Maybe it's some other type of diagnosis, but I am where I am . . . which is far from being fully healed, and I have to work with that. It seems like the alternative is to turn in on myself which only leads to hopelessness and powerlessness.

I like the idea of exiting the loop of suffering and I also still grapple with the ideas of finding fault/being at fault vs. taking responsibility for what I can. Right now it feels like the place for me to find strength is in taking action towards my desired outcome and participating in community more. This might sound obvious, but action is not always my strength. Feeling feelings . . . that's my usual. Action, not so much.

I so appreciate your writing on this. Good timing. Thank you.

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I so appreciate you and your thoughts on all of this.

Thank you

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You have so much love and support.

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Hi Nora! When I discovered the book, "Heal Your Body" in the late 1970s, I thought, “Wow, this all seems okay.” But something about it didn’t sit right with me—it felt like it placed blame on the person for having the issue. That approach didn’t resonate with me, though I did appreciate some of the affirmations. I believe that the author, Louise Hay, was, in her own way, taking baby steps toward evolving out of the paradigm that suggests we create our negative experiences for our own good. However, she still seemed to have one foot in the blame game.

Now, all these years later, I’ve developed a different way of looking at things. When people come to me asking for help, I say, “Geez, that sucks that such-and-such happened. It really did happen, and you didn’t deserve that! I’m so sorry. It seems like compassion is what’s needed here.”

I also extend this same kindness to myself. I give that part of me—a specific version of myself or just me as a whole—a big, metaphorical hug and acknowledgment. To me, that’s love.

At 67 years old, I marvel at how times have changed. No one spoke this way when I was a child. But now, people like you are bringing these conversations to the forefront, and I think it’s such an important shift. The age of Aquarius. Love you Nora and thank you again.

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I love this all

And yes, I think Louise's work was a bridge and also victim blaming, both.

Thank you so much and love right back

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Hi Nora,

Thank you for writing this! Thank you for sharing your process and potent insights. Yes, let us mass exodus the loop of suffering. I appreciate the clarity. Trusting my knowing over the years and my own personal revelations has helped me so much. And they usually went against the popular religious and new age confines.

I can look at my personal experiences with divorcing the narcissitic personality disordered men and see how this is all going down in the collective. They don't die easy. They don't go away. They up the ante. And blame everyone. Watching how many are falling in line with the abuser is sickening. But not surprising. It is the old way, the past. I see a part of the collective grasping to appease the abusive daddy and stay in bed with the perpetrator. If only...not me...If I am better, more holy, enlightened...I will be saved by that which seeks to destroy me.

Pluto in Aquarius is indeed process oriented. I choose the process of as much love and joy as possible. Shedding the ways in which the dysfunctional patriarchy had a hold of me. Guilt, shame, victim blaming. At least we now have concepts and words for what we are no longer agreeing to. NO to any and all shaming and blaming of the victimized and abused. Yes to calling out the perpetrators and holding firm with whoever may be with you. I lost most of my family and friends, new agers as well as I called out the abuse. It was not easy. Yet it was so liberating! xo Love you

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So beautiful, thank you.

I love you too

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This!!!!! This is why I love you so much. You have found compassion and use your heart.

When I look back I am ashamed I even accepted this narrative. "I create my reality, therefore I am creating my abuse, my suffering". "Nothing can be done to me unless I've agreed to it at some level".

Until listening to you and working with you just made me go back into my heart and hold compassion.

Honestly I have struggled with the election result, this was at the heart of my rage in the beginning of 2024, where I was asking why so much abuse and so little accountability, they seem to get away with it so much. Being honest and leading an honest life seems to be only punished with less abundance, whereas those abusers seem to receive so much more. We struggle, they're abundant. This election so far seems to play that tune. I found myself seriously wandering one day, should I stay here and what for? I was really resentful because I felt that I am not responding to challenges with strength, but I simply go down. I've shouted to my higher self that if he wanted me to be better in these situations, maybe he should have chosen better parents for me and avoided some abuse. What the BS is this? We put ourselves in shitty situations and then expect perfection, perfect reaction, perfect outcomes... How am I supposed to rebuild myself after all the abuse I've suffered? I thought with delight that finally I'd be able to access to everything and be with all my wonderful guides and family and loved ones.

That was the day my uncle died.

He was 94, only one month away from 95 and he was tired. He clearly stated he wanted to die and leave. In the evening he went to bed as he was tired. He closed his eyes never to open them again. He had a sudden cardiac arrest.

When that evening my cousin called me and told me what happened to our uncle, the meaning of what happened to me that afternoon was not lost on me.

I had already started my healing immediately. I was at the lake side and worked with the lake and the merbeings, the faeries and angels, I did healing magic, finding my strength and center. As I was doing all of this, suddenly waves formed and came to me out of nowhere. The lake and merbeings and all the invisible world responded.

It's about choices. I feel the support and the love in me and around me. This period has been really very difficult for all of us. Our abuses have come back hitting us full center in the face.

Totally not called for, but it offers an opportunity for healing.

I was saying to Pat yesterday: if we were to be able to do anything about these things, we would be in different places in different situations. But we're here in these bodies and these realities. Our power is not in directly changing in the physical what we dislike, our power is in loving and nurturing ourselves and being of service. I am still angry, but not overwhelmed, grounded in my body and centered in my love.

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I love you so much, Max

Thank you for sharing so beautifully.

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I've had this exact same conversation with my Higher Self. Word for word. "If you want me to be better than why give me these parents and this abuse and expect this could ever go any differently?!" How do we rebuild ourselves after so much betrayal and abuse? And maybe I could do a walk-in switch so another soul could take care of my doggies and I could get out and go home without guilt. But maybe nobody expected us to behave perfectly after all we've been through. Maybe we're doing pretty good all things considered.

You've inspired me to feel the support and love in and around me. Sometimes we need to hear it from someone outside of ourselves even if we already know it because we lost touch with the visceral experience of it for a while.

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Beautiful, Deborah Jade. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Deborah Jade, I am crying. I am sorry for the abuse you had to endure.

And yes, you are right, no one expects perfection from us, but us, we are putting it on ourselves. As we've been told time and time again, we have to be more accepting and loving towards ourselves, we are doing the best we can. And that is all it is about. Lot of love to you.

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Thank you for this piece, Nora and also thank you for showing me and others compassion when it was necessary🙏🏻 I’m so sorry for what happened with the elections. I’m sending you and everyone here so much love ❤️

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Thank you so much, Vasundhara

I love you too

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I hear you! There's such a well trodden rhetoric (even amongst the 'safer' parts of the spiritual community rn) that 'it has got to get worse before it can get better'. What worries me is how blanket statements like this can end up as justifications to allowing damaging unnecessary things to occur.

When are we, on a collective level, going to start asking: how can we create more joy today? What are the alternatives to the suffering cycle? Have we forgotten there might be another way so hard that it doesn't even enter our heads?! When i hear people talking about suffering being a prerequisite for positive change it has that 'old fashioned' 'out moded' energy to me. It doesn't feel right. I think we just need to hold the alternative, that as you say... there is another way.

Imagine if we had our best minds seeing through this lens!

Another thing I've been noticing is that not only is there this 'stoic kind of: brace yourself, things are going to crumble' vibe, there's simultaneously a lack of up to date methods on processing emotions in particular the 'negative' ones! Stoicism will not get us through this! 🫠

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Thank you!

Sending you love

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Thank for this Nora. I first heard this from you and it has been a game changer for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you spreading this message because it is so important. I look back at all the things we learn in life and even when we come to spirituality the way we learn through that to blame ourselves. It is constant and I guess the only way we knew to explain the awful things happening. I hear it now and want to scream at people, NO NO NO!!! (But I don't). I know I am done with that thinking and it has helped me enormously. I already deal with self worth issues without piling on more guilt for causing myself suffering when it was in fact from others. There are abusers and getting abused isn't our fault. Way too many avenues teach that it was or that it was for a purpose etc. as you said.

I am still pretty low. I go back and forth but echo some of what Max said here about how can such awful people keep coming out on top when we try to be loving and kind and caring and get stomped on. It is hard to see it all. I know I will pick myself up and feel better but I am giving myself grace to do so at my own pace. As a I said in the last post that the 12th was the anniversary of my Mom's passing and yesterday was her funeral two years ago so that has added to it all.

I did watch the clock yesterday and at 2:29 pm did some celebration stuff to usher in the new higher vibe time. I am so ready for it. I also still am not convinced the politics we are seeing now will be what shapes up. I am holding space for justice and for recounts and for investigations and arrests. And making phone calls etc.

Thanks for checking in with us. Sending you and Jon and the furbabies love.

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Thank you so much Vicki.

Sending you love right back

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