Oct 14, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I am sooooooo sorry for all of the cruel people in your childhood.. certainly you deserved love, not the opposite. I can see the twisted response to the police approaching you the other evening...geeze, you can't win with those self righteous assholes.

Last solar eclipse we camped at the wonderful Chaco canyon and hiked the next day during the eclipse, with our daughter and her beau. So weirdly my right knee kind of gave out going up some boulders and I felt like I was 100 years old. It was so loving how Hannah's partner held my hand and helped me down. We saw rabbits stand still and birds get quiet and the sky was eerie with inappropriatley dark light, everything so still. Which quieted my knee pain and all 4 of us were quiet in our hearts and minds.

I've been thinking so much about your horrible treatment at city council meeting and now that I know more about the horrible cruel treatment you were subject to as a child, I send that girl all ages and you now current time the huge live you deserve!.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

That was supposed to be " love that you deserve"

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Thank you so much, Susan. Wishing you a beautiful eclipse and looking forward to seeing you afterward :)

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

You too! Beautiful eclipse and I am really looking forward to the class tomorrow. The channeling class gives me so much love and elation!

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I’m impressed by your bravery Nora. It amazes me that you have maintained your voice through all you went through in childhood. And it impresses me you stand up in front of city council to speak your truth. It’s clearly your super power and healing tool! The sheriff should have been confronting the angry mob. She may have thought it was easier to speak to you to diffuse the situation, but it reminds me of all the times when the minority person is targeted instead of those with privilege or with more power. Sending so much love to you and your inner child. Thank you for being a voice for so many of us in all that you do. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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Thank you, Kyra. Much love in return

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Dear Nora,

I’m so happy to be reading your writing. You display great courage under adversity and you’re so clear in your expression speaking at the meeting and in your writing 💚. I’m in awe of how you even remained in your body, coherent and clear under attack like that! Such boundaries and clarity you express 💜💜

The issues you expressed about the ridiculously ancient and abusive patriarchy-ditto! From the church to corporations and politics, etc. ugh

I had lost momentum, now living in Oklahoma where the patriarchy is in full power. I’ve not been able to even get the county commissioner to be a human being and call me back. The Atty Generals office in Ok. hung up on me when I asked for his last name. Like I was going to dox him. But, hanging up really?

I was asking for clarification on a damn law and a sheriffs’ responsibility is not letting an A.H. let his dog die in the yard.

How do i ever get respect from people that govern here? I was told to just shoot a dog if it ever came in my yard or came at me. It was a very difficult experience.

This is the Wild West for real.

The country commissioner IS our city council. It’s mind numbing bs. Unless I go into town at like 7:30 am (with autoimmune crap, i can’t make myself get up that early and go out) once a month-no more zoom because they’re petty entitled x law enforcement white men with power to provide or not everything needed in a county! Like how about a grocery store?

I’m ranting now 😂.

Thank you for your loving service 💚💚💚💚💜💜💜💜 Resting and releasing sounds perfect.

The energy is intense as nothing like what’s happening now has ever happened before in earth.

Lots of old coming up for review and feeling and release.

My dad died of cancer when i was 7 months. Mom was pregnant when they knew he was dying of cancer 😞. My step father was horribly abusive and a deeply disturbed person. My deepest core wound has been abandonment.

And I’ve so much old emotion and experiences coming up from back then. Im purging my oldest deepest crud.

I do understand about ptsd and being triggered and you’re really strong and amazing. I so appreciate you and wish you deep healing.

I’ve started pampering myself, i.e., self care that I actually practice.

Eat enough food every day! Cook good food. Go to the lake with my dog friend and move my body; relax, take photos, lean on the willow and listen, show gratitude and watch the birds, lake mountains and clouds. How will there be time for anything else? 🤣.

My favorite line in a diary of my mom’s (born 1927) “I washed my hair today.” Like was that an all day thing😅? I don’t think they rushed back then in the 40’s I guess it was. But her hair was beautiful!

Lots of love healing to you 💚💚💚💚

Thank you for your loving service 💜💜💜💜

Napping and resting sound just right.


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Thank you so much, Karen, and thank you for your vulnerable and heart-felt share. Sending you big love and wishes for ease and joy.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Victim blaming has become the norm for so many. I like to think times are changing but then we are hit with it again. I am tired of the loud and abusive getting away with it while being told to turn the other cheek. Easier to shut down the sensible, calm one than confront the actual problem. And then when we do enforce boundaries we are wrong. It is like victims are wrong no matter what. It is awful when present traumas take us back to childhood traumas and I am sorry you had to experience any of it. Love you Nora! 💚

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Thank you so much, Vicki. I love you too.

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