Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

beautiful <3 And.. I feel that unsustainability issue strongly as well. I laughed when I saw the title. I just found out that it's likely that I am a walk-in. At first I was like "oh, yes, of course." Now I'm a bit like "wait a minute.. what the... "

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Thank you :)

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

<3 I edited my comment... your title is ridiculously apt. (Apt?)

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love it

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Mmmm . . . Relatable - interest and/or talent in several areas; and no longer wanna “suppress a version of myself to be another version of myself” - that’s a great / clarifying way to put that. Thanks for sharing where you are- even the “messy” middle where it hasn’t all been figured out, but you still seem to have a sense of being tethered . . . Knowing your core . . . Maybe most of the time, or when you get really still. That’s when I can find it too - when I get really still. I tell myself “ remember who you are” and I breathe. Have to keep doing that ❤️❤️

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Thank you, Shannon

Can't do emojis on desktop, it seems, or I have not yet figured it out. Hearts are included just not typed. lol

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Wow, this is awesome and hits home with me. I can resonate on so many levels with what you said. I needed to read this today. Thanks! And thanks for being so open and sharing with us. And I love the dog hair part too! Sooo true here, dog and cat hair both while I try to justify my existence with running around doing other things that my mind says I should be doing while making myself so tired I get nothing done.

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Thank you and I love you

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