May 17Liked by Nora Herold

This piece is so beautiful written it felt like I was visiting all these places with you! Keep going Nora!!!👏🏼

P.S - Did you know for sure that Chicago was the place for you before you’ve arrived? I am struggling with the decision on where to move and it is so overwhelming! Did you feel the same too? I’ve decided to let go and surrender as was suggested by you but still I see a particular city popping up in my reality all the time. I do not know if it’s a sign from the universe or if I’m overthinking! I have this feeling that a particular city will lead me to someone important ( I do not know who that might be) but the cost of living is high there! Do you think that we sometimes ask a lot of questions about life purpose during decision making? Does practicality help us better sometimes? I’m so torn!! Life would be so much easier if we can discern all the signs with clarity😂!

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Thank you so much

I followed the path of least resistance.

This apartment in this city was the stand out option for us.

I wrote more about it in this piece here.


And while it's not practical to move across the country, this was the most practical/magical option for us. Both.

Wishing you all the best.

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

Wow, I was so stuck on “this or that” that I truly forgot the simple solution that it can be “this and that”. Thank you for that!

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Mmm, I can second Nora’s response above. When I moved from Seattle back to North Carolina, it was definitely the path of least resistance. Even though it was the last thing my mind wanted. Back home to family and parents and grrr, I hated it. But it was so clear the next step to take. I’ve been here two years now and it’s looked nothing like I thought it would and has also held so much magic.

Also, in case it’s helpful, because I need this reminder all the time, sometimes the next right step is waiting. Even if you have inklings of the path ahead, which it sounds like you do, that doesn’t always mean the time to act is right now. Trust that when it’s time, you’ll know and you will, and until then waiting and patience and doing whatever you want in the meantime is often what’s actually aligned.

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

Hi Helen, Thank you for commenting! This helps me a lot!

However, I was always confused about the sentence “the path of least resistance”. How is it the path of least resistance if that is the last thing you wanted? Is it a feeling that you have about the path that makes it least resistant or is it that path which is familiar to choose?

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"least resistance" = least obstacles and most in the flow.

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You know, I had a realization somewhere along the way that we use the same word “feeling” to describe both emotions and intuition. And it’s a real bummer because they are not the same thing, but most people don’t realize that, and it creates so much angst and confusion.

Once I realized that I could sense intuition and next steps but still have feelings about those things in my emotions, that really helped me. Intuition is where I try to take action from, and it’s great when my emotions are happy and on board. But sometimes intuition tells me things that I have strong frustration, sadness, grief, anger, etc about.

For me, moving to NC had the least obstacles, the least effort, the fewest things to effort or figure out, and seemed the simplest, so path of least resistance. At the same time, I could feel in my intuition that it was “right”. And, I had a lot of feelings about that. But the emotions (anger, frustration, I don’t want to, etc) didn’t diminish the intuitive knowing or path of least resistance of that step. Does that make sense?

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May 18Liked by Nora Herold

This is so amazing! I realise now that whenever I took an action on my intuition in the past, i always had multiple emotions about it. Still, it lead me more to myself even though it was not what I thought it would be. It also reminds me that all the physical visualizations are a representation of a state and there can be different or greater ways that the state can be manifested into this reality. Thank you for dissecting the intuition and emotions part the way you did, it makes total sense!

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Nora, I absolutely LOVED reading this piece. I’m sitting in a cafe with an iced coffee and a delicious banana chocolate chip muffin and I’m smiling from ear to ear with ridiculous joy. It’s so fun to walk down memory lane with you.

Also, I don’t know if you know this, but I went to college in Chicago. I haven’t been back since, but reading familiar names and places in your story brought so many memories back to me as well. I’m thinking of my own growing up years, summers in the park, my favorite restaurants, getting up to shenanigans with friends. Oh the memories. Thank you for this. 🥰🙏🏼

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Thank you, Helen :)

I don't think I knew that you went to college here.


DePaul?? Loyola?? Northwestern?? UIC??? Some other one????

There are so many.

Columbia College grad here

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I was down at the University of Chicago in Hyde Park. It’s definitely changed a lot over the years. It was far enough that we didn’t get into the city on the day to day, but I definitely enjoyed the time I did spend there

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

My friend Mollie works at Dark Matter Coffee❤️❤️❤️

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what location?

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

I'm not sure- let me ask her.

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

Electric Mud Coffee Bar. Her name is Mollie.

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Cool. Thank you

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

The Bast Statue!!! That is just too synchronistic! So, so very happy for you 5 wonderful beings. Not surprising that you are well received there, you are love and probably have been attracting loving friends and neighbors always. So glad your return is the perfect thing for now and it seems like you have perfectly settled in already!

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Thank you so much, Susan.

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

Amazing Nora! You and Jon will prosper in your new digs. Can't wait to hear aobut it.

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Thank you so much. Sending you my love.

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May 17Liked by Nora Herold

Nora I am really enjoying your writing. So much! You really tell a story, and it makes me envision what I am reading. For me, if that happens with a writer I know I will return to read everything they write! So please don’t stop, and I will be in line for the first book you publish. Thank you for finding your way back to the keyboard, I am a fan. Best of wishes to you, Jon and your pups.

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Thank you so much, Joanne. Sending you my love.

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