Nov 13, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I love this and how having one beautiful option can open the whole world! Looking forward to hearing where the breadcrumbs lead. <3 I am having asthma and anxiety and not entirely sure what that's about but taking some downtime in the last week has helped me calm my system.

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Thank you and yes! One door open opens so many others. Sending you love and wishes for ease, Kate.

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My first message disappeared as I hit the wrong button. Go where the love is.

I searched the world before I moved to Ok., from Ca. It was the fourth time I moved away from my favorite state.

Cost, illness, family moving propelled me to move again after just four years in my favorite state. Oakland, Berkeley, Mendocino, SF, and lastly Garden Valley nestled between the south and north forks of the American river. Gorgeous and kinda isolated.

I searched the world, Portugal looked great after following a you tube family journeys in the world. What about South America and all those inexpensive places where you could afford a nice house, maybe even a house keeper, which I would drool at the thought of! But, I realized, nooo, not alone and not with certain health needs.

So, the words of my last therapist were in my head, go where the love is.

That happened to be Ok. and my dear friend who loved me and who I loved. She saved me over the phone countless times when I felt so bad I thought I’d die. We became friends from a FB group for autoimmune illnesses, which I’m healing from 🐋🐬.

I moved to Ok., 7 years ago. Was it the right choice?

This is a beautiful environment, but I’m challenged by the far right Christian beliefs here.

I keep grounding love and light, and moving into non judgement and non reactivity which is a challenge. I guess I’m where I need to be!

Go where the love is!

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What a beautiful share, thank you, Karen. Go where the love is. Lovely

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

That is so special to have people like that in your life. It is so nice how special relationships stay strong. I can understand how emotional it all is for you having to leave your home. I am keeping the intention that the best place for you all will be where you land. And throwing my two cents in, it would be awesome if you were in Chicago and so close! :)

I am still down, this weekend was the anniversary of my Mom's passing so lots of grief and emotions are flowing. I was actually thinking about her passing during the 11-11 Gateway and wondering what that means. I was so out of it last year I didn't even think of that fact.

I haven't watched the video of the photos etc that the funeral home made and think I will watch it today. I wanted to yesterday but wasn't up to it. I felt crappy yesterday to with my head and body felt off too.

Other than that I am happy we are having some warmer days, warmer for us as at least. Lots of things running around in my head about my future but taking it one day at a time and not focusing on having to know things now which is hard for me. Still the low buzz money worries that I am working on working through.

Continuing to hold you and Jon and the furbabies in my heart. Love you!

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Sending you so much love, Vicki. Thank you for your support.

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Love you nora. Always an inspiration

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Thank you so much. I love you too and right back atcha

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I’m sure many options will come up for you before you make your decision, but before you go so far away please check out Santa Paula. I moved here from Ojai (where I was born!) 23 years ago and I have been very happy with that decision. Housing is much less expensive here and it still has a small town vibe that reminds me very much of the Ojai I grew up in. It’s close enough to Ojai that I make trips there often to see my sister and my friends and you could also keep the connections you have made there while forming new ones here in Santa Paula. I know several people who have made this move from Ojai and are happy they did. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open for a rental for you!

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Thank you so much, Shannon. We are open to all things right now :)

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I am so glad you already have one wonderful option for a home! And who knows what else will open up. I keep mentally sensing you in Ashland, OR, which I have never been to but it has wonderful vibes and theater and... and... and.... You potentially have the whole world opening up and beckoning to you! It is very exciting even though I realize you still have mixed emotions, totally realistic. I am happy to see more excitement rising. Much love and thanks for keeping us posted. All is well here today.

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Thank you so much, Kate. Glad to hear you're swimming in the all is well sea.

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Hearing this lovely update makes me so happy! I’ve had the experience many times when I don’t know what will happen and something comes along and ends up being the placeholder. Something that eases the anxiety and provides enough breathing room for the real path to find me. So whether this is the ultimate thing or the placeholder, I’m glad you have love and a bit more spaciousness.

In my world, I’m working with my mom working with a lot of deep anxiety. Feel like I’m able to be with it in a new way which is nice. I’m also starting to feel those initial threads of some new opportunities which is fun. Lots showing up around my relationship to responsibility and really letting myself be a part of the full spectrum of life and death. Grieving that loss and death really are things in this reality (and no matter what I do I can’t change or control that) and opening to letting them have more of a place in mine (I can’t heal them away for example).

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Beautiful, Helen, so lovely to hear about your journey and life. Yes, placeholder or the thing, time will tell. Right now the idea that it actually could be the thing is making me happy. I do have much love both for these people there and the city as well.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

How sweet and encouraging that you are loved ( of course) and welcomed. Breadcrumbs are there for you to see.

I love you Nora.

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Thank you, Susan. I love you too.

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People that really love you, will always be there for you, no matter how long, where or why.

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Truly magic

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I'm "sapposed" to post on the substack. Nora's is the first stack I have ever read. Trust me, I prefer her in person. The writing is very fine. Engaging. But in person, Nora is a vocal kaleidoscope. I already send out materia. I usually choose who gets what. Like, if the farm newsletter is full of spanky housekeeping, I would not send that to Nora. Uncharted territory in the stax? Time to dial up my blab-control. Until later in the program...

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Thank you, Steve. Good luck with your stack.

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