Is Mercury direct? My co-worker and I are reviewing the most ridiculous things in our grant. I have little energy for fine-tuning and, at this point, it's all fine-tuning. Sometimes I can rally and sometimes the brain-fog is like pea soup. Meanwhile, my body is doing her thing as if we haven't communicated about schedules & priorities. Aaah, well, I guess I'm demonstrating how she might feel a little out of sorts. On the plus side, we had such a great time watching Celia's marching band on Saturday, followed by a truly wonderful/moving concert experience that evening.

The transition to Monday is challenging . . . I've gotta work on flow all around and a less fractured existence. It does feel like things have been heavy overall lately. Lots of flooding here last weekend (moreso worldwide!) and work and family. All has added up to personal care taking a back seat (who puts themselves last?! . . . who says martyrdom is the way to go?! WTF!). This week should be the final push for the grant. My intention is to stay in the moment and factor myself/my body into the moment and do what I can to stay balanced and moving/breathing forward.

Cleaning up & clearing out sounds good. Blaming . . . yep, got that too. It takes lots of different forms, but definitely got it.

I'm so excited you're doing an Equinox event! Looking forward to it.

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Mercury is direct and yet still in the shadow phase (along with Venus) while something like 5 or 6 other planets are retro right now.

Marching band, what a trip. I did it for three years in high school. It is not easy to learn a marching routine and music that goes with the routine and then perform it. Props to Celia. Thank you for sharing, Shannon. Sending you love. I am looking forward to Thursday's event as well.

Okay, Back to deep cleaning. Wishing I could just take a power washer to the inside of my house.

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I am responding from the inside of a plane just before takeoff. My parents and I are headed for two weeks in Croatia, ending in Venice. I’m very excited and a bit apprehensive - we haven’t done a family trip since I was little. Doing my best to stay grounded, flow as much as possible, take things in stride, process emotions as they come up, and also focus on all the good right now.

I’m approaching this as a true journey and my intention is to grow in my capacity for ease, play, and vulnerable joy while with them. And to embody even more of my authentic adult self in how I show up in the world. Sending you all love 💕

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Wising you all that you said. Sending you love in return.

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If I could describe in one word the last couple of months for myself it would be change. Radical change. It all happened so fast there wasn't time for much review. And most of it is all good, yet there have been so many fears and big triggering moments thrown in as well. The second theme after change is healing. Radical, fast healing, which is beautiful yet again not without a lot of inner work and challenges.

Now today I started new work and later this week I meet with someone about marketing my business. Yes, the financial situation could be very scary right now with a lot of uncertainty in my situation. Yet I feel optimistic and hopeful that I'll get through all this for the better. This level of faith and trust and joy is new to me, especially living this close to the edge. I understand the "my anxiety goes up, so does the yelling" part. And it's so cool to see this - not disappear altogether- but to notice something has altered over the past few years and is gaining traction more recently.

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Sending you love and wishes for wonderful successes with it all.

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Today Michael and I are on the Richter scale of tension/ arguing at a zero. Three weeks ago, off the charts that lasted 4 days.

Today my brand new computer told me I am denied access to ALL of my documents for my book. I called apple tech.. out of their jurisdiction, they said call Microsoft Word. Instead I rebooted my computer and Voila..problem solved. This was all done very calmly and no stress. Miracles of Miracles.

I'm excited for Thursday and probably won't attend Saturday as we have tentative plans for a road trip???

Nora, thank you thank you thank you. I love you.

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Glad to hear that all is well. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. I am leaving registration open for Saturday until right before we start, so if your plans change and you want to join us, feel free. I love you too.

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Good to know. Thanks!

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Thanks for this post. I can't wait to hear about the Great Remote Control Fight! :) We have things we can't do together for sure without arguing. I blame my control issues on being a Scorpio! ha! Anyway I am posting late because Monday sucked sucked sucked the big one. It was the date of the last time I saw my Mom and it was harder than her birthday which was a few days before that. I still am not back to my standard self but I think I will get there soon. Just a few down days and bad headaches too. I am going to try new meds and new stuff for them so fingers crossed. Overall not counting the sadness I am just not sure how I am doing. I am really dealing with lots of physical pain that is just weird, and well, I am sick of it. Sick of myself really for complaining too. Just lots of uncertainty about how to deal with health issues I think for me and my cat who is hyperthyroid and trying to find the best course of action (I wish it weren't so common in cats, this is my third cat with this issue and I know that it is fairly common unfortunately.) But we are coming into my favorite time with my birthday, anniversary, Samhain/Halloween and all that entails so I know my mood will be good. We decorate like crazy in and out just for us, no kids, no trick or treaters but we love it. Well, I loved it and he jumped on the bandwagon. :)

Thanks for this check in. Sending love to you, Jon, the furkids and all the people here.

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Thank you so much for sharing. Sending you love and wishes for ease.

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