Oooh! I haven’t had a chance to listen to the full recording yet. That’ll be later today. But with this transmission i immediately felt a line of energy like a laser right down my middle connecting my heart, 3rd and 2nd chakras as they/you talked about the laser energy of the fire. The line was slightly to the left meaning my right masc side was more puffed up than my fem side so i worked to center it and had an immediate knowing that if i practice balancing this then ill attract more friendships who are in better alignment with me. Bam! 💥 Very cool! Thank you as always Nora, the P’s and guides 🧚
Oooh! I haven’t had a chance to listen to the full recording yet. That’ll be later today. But with this transmission i immediately felt a line of energy like a laser right down my middle connecting my heart, 3rd and 2nd chakras as they/you talked about the laser energy of the fire. The line was slightly to the left meaning my right masc side was more puffed up than my fem side so i worked to center it and had an immediate knowing that if i practice balancing this then ill attract more friendships who are in better alignment with me. Bam! 💥 Very cool! Thank you as always Nora, the P’s and guides 🧚
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing, Kyra. I love you
I love you too Nora. You look happy in Chicago. 💓
I am happy here. Thank you