Oct 30, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Glad to hear how well you are doing with conflict revolution. I meant to say conflict resolution but revolution came out so I think I'll just leave that there. I have worked for many many many years to avoid angry conflict in my personal relationships and with the world and have some success as myself so I know how good that feels not to have to struggle to be heard and understood. It takes two to do that and both sides have to want to agree to communicate more effectively I have found.

As for checking in, the past few weeks have been a real bear in terms of feeling oh kinds of shortage fears that have no basis in reality. My higher self keeps telling me no this is old stuff just to be cleared out but it feels so very real and it is exhausting standing up to this relentless droning worry about what hasn't happened and never has happened. In my relationship with me I'd like to kick my ass and shut me up but I know that won't do any good but will be very successful in making things worse. I will just have to live with being temporarily insane encountering it with the knowing that I have never been short of any other kind of things being presented to me and have not created it for the future either. Thanks for listening.

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Thank you for sharing, Anne. Sending you love.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Substack was not allowing me to "like" your post. So I am gladly telling you how much I like your sentiments and words. I take heed to your handling of worry. Thank you

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"the emotional weight of the collective right now is WEIGHTY and sad, inducing a feeling of powerlessness", that was definitely me yesterday. I thought it was eclipse hangover perhaps. Feel a tiny improvement today, but not by much.

Have often had this image of being a giant being and swoop in, grab the powerplayers by the scruff of their necks and say *enough! you had your chance and I'm taking away your "toys", coz these are not toys. I'm putting you in timeout for the rest of your days where you can sit and watch --mute -- until you comprehend your wrongs and stupidity.*

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I like it. Sending you love.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I tried three times to write something on last Monday’s check in but too much emotional triggers and clearing happening. Then this past weekend I got my Covid vaccine and it made me really sick. At this point I wonder if getting Covid is better!! I’m just coming out of it and feeling pretty fatigued but trying to work today. So I guess you could say I had plenty of rest as the P’s recommended. Just not the kind I had hoped for. And yes, what’s happening in Gaza breaks my heart. So ready for a shift in consciousness and hoping some lightness or justice comes from these atrocities. Tired of this reality.

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Yes, this is all so sad and exhausting. I think we can not possibly stretch and endure anymore and then more happens. Sending you my love.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Then more happens. Enough is enough. Going to continue holding the vibration of peace to send over there. Thanks for doing these weekly Nora. It’s such a nice space to feel seen and heard. 💜

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

Me too, weekend with the vaccine reaction. Planned to have the jab Friday so by today I might be capable of doing my mentally challenging job of sourcing, citing and securing copyrights on over 100 images from different sources!

And sad sad sad.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

It’s so intense! Hugs your way during vaccine recovery ❤️‍🩹

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“Tired of this reality.” Gosh I feel these words deeply. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I often say “I’m ready for a new storyline.” And this is exactly why

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Yes! I love you.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

“I’m ready for a new storyline.” I like those creation words as they are more empowering. Thank you for that!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

It's so cloudy with sadness and heart wrenching trauma happening now on our planet, not to mention grief, that I can barely see beauty. I have always used my capability to see beauty as a tool to ground myself and this time period now is a big test. I too averted a fight today and I skillfully communicated some worries I have and managed to do it with no shaming words to Michael. He responded exceedingly well and even came to me for council as a friend later in the day. I had to put up huge red stop sign to a crazy friend of my dead friend. Not sure that will work but at least I did it. Thank you Nora for YOU , for creating this space and for your loving words and energy.

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Beautiful, Susan. You're welcome. I love you.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I definitely have been feeling that energy. My husband has been in a mood for sure and I have been pretty proud of myself for not allowing myself to be pulled in to fights. I know he is doing it unconsciously but it sure doesn't make it better, and there is progress because he figures out after what he is doing. I am feeling so physically tired and my stomach has been upset. Not sure what is moving through me. I know the sadness on the planet is something I am feeling as well. I have not done as well as I should with self care and need to get back to working out and taking better care of myself. I love October and Samhain and Halloween so I have also have been having good times too and taking care of myself in that way with having some fun. Thanks for sharing what is going on Nora and to everyone else for sharing as well. Sending love to all!

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I love you, Vicki. Wishing you a spooktacular Halloween

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Nora Herold

I like the idea of the perpetrators in time out. No more power - no more “toys “ just a time out. This weekend I had 2 nights outside with the moon and fire pits. It was lovely! Still going for balance! Go yoga! I’m not yoga-ing, but I am moving more and differently and sometimes I feel more physical balance & energy & sometimes I feel more peri-menopausal. So, I’ve got that going for me. The Israel Gaza situation is - oh I do t know what to say about it except that I hold space for peace and love and oneness. Love to you all. Thank you, Nora ❤️

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Thank you, Shannon. I love you too.

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This week has been a lot of everything. I’m feeling more balance and fun, exciting groundedness and opportunities in my work life. The pain of the world is a lot and so heavy, though I feel like I’m doing a better job of staying steady with it now than I was a few weeks ago. And then stuff with my mom has just been horrible. Some of the worst it’s felt in months if not years. Really feeling our past life connections and this sense of being tortured through time by her, trapped and unable to escape. Her bitterness, oppositional stance, and nothing ever being enough is really hard to live in the same household with and it feels like it’s eating me alive. Processing lifetimes worth of pain and doing my best to feel it as it comes up and return to joy in my own self and life when I can.

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I am so sorry, Helen. Sending you my love.

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