It’s here, reboot day.
The solar eclipse will reach its totality at 11:17am Pacific Time today. If you missed it, this last piece of mine is all about it and what we may expect as we power down and power back up.
We went to two parties back to back this weekend, a goodbye for us on Friday night hosted by some friends, and the next night we were celebrating the birthdays of two people who happened to be at the one for us the night before.
“I am in denial that you’re leaving,” was said to me more than once, and I have to say, I am somewhat there myself right now.
We’ll be leaving this valley on a cloud of love, love being offered to us by the community we have been a part of for fifteen years. Feeling all this love and support as we head out is incredibly bittersweet.
Tears are very close to the surface and I seem to be leaking anytime anyone acknowledges our leaving or me for other reasons in even the slightest of ways. This happens no matter where I am or what I am doing including while drinking a cup of coffee at Pinyon while hanging with the beautiful beings who own it and work there. The eclipse energy is certainly magnifying this.
As I wandered the farmers’ market yesterday I realized I only have one more to attend after this one. The last two Sundays of this month will be filled with a final driveway sale and then packing, packing, cleaning, and packing and cleaning some more.
When Zoey was a puppy she developed two issues that we could see had clear emotional origins, a limp that manifested out of nowhere and a leaky left eye, both of which were resolved by the time she was one. She’s been limping and leaking again for the past few months, she is now almost eleven. I realized she was reacting to the moving energy, so I sat with her the other night and calmly and joyfully explained it all in detail. She is now clear-eyed and walking confidently once more, excited about the path ahead.
“Do you need moving blankets?” a lovely friend asked me Friday night at our leaving the valley party.
“Yes!” I exclaimed. I chose the moving pods that don’t come with the moving blankets included due to their company being more highly rated than the one that includes the moving blankets. I’d been a bit worried about it, the moving blankets, and here they were, being offered like magic. He has 10 of them lying around he’s been wondering what to do with.
Most things are falling into place effortlessly at the moment. We’ve booked the local mover who will load our pods, haul any junk, and take away anything donatable that we have not been able to donate or sell ourselves. The last of our garden in pots today left with a friend and we know she will give them the love they deserve.
We’ve even been offered another place to stay in Chicago, just in case we were wondering if Chicago actually is the right choice. We are sticking with the apartment building on Oakley, the one we moved out of twenty years ago, and yet, it was amazing to have this second offer come through.
In Ojai, it’s been crickets where housing is concerned.
We also have a friend in New Mexico housing us for a few days along the way, and an offer from another friend there, along with a friend in Maine who has offered her place for a visit if we decide to go check it out. Coastal Maine is a dream I’ve had for a while now, and I am waiting to see if there is any reality to it for us.
I am having to say, “yes” to support and love and work on not feeling like a bother or apologizing in any way. This is hard for me, very, very hard. I have a draft right now entitled, “I am sorry for bothering you” that I’ve just not yet been able to complete or barely even start, maybe I am actually just writing it here. Apologizing for my very existence is something I started doing long ago.
The magnolia tree pictured at the top of this piece sits right in front of our house. We rescued it from near death last year due to the long drought and an invasive vine that was sucking the life out of it. The copious amounts of rain we received last year, the work we did to clear the beautiful but parasitic plant, and the time we spent pruning it and relieving it of all of its dead limbs have brought it back into full glory. I am grateful to experience its gorgeous blooms one last time.
Mercury Retro Notes: I thought I was done with the shredding until yesterday when I stumbled across my notebooks where starting twenty-six years ago, I wrote down the names and numbers of everyone I needed to call back who wanted to schedule a reading.
I also found a notebook entitled “Moving” that was filled with every single piece of information and every address of every place we looked at when we first moved together back in Chicago through our move to this house, including copious checklists and other details.
I jammed the shredder twice while shredding it all. It will not be moving with us. Take that, Shredder!
The Farmer and The Cook did not have what we wanted which sent us on an adventure back to Pinyon for a delicious meal after I had already been there earlier crying in my coffee.
And finally, the water dispenser at Rainbow Bridge was broken which Jon discovered when he went there last night, 5-gallon water jugs in hand.
How are you??!! Please let me know in the comments below.
Our last transmission from The Ojai Valley happens next Thursday at 12:00pm Pacific.
Details and registration are here
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I haven’t seen you and Jon in person in ages, but there’s always something so comforting about knowing I could run into you at any moment. You two were instrumental in my healing process after Ben’s stillbirth. When I was terrified and thought I was losing my mind, your channeling brought me so much peace.
You’ve also been such a breath of fresh air and solidarity partner with your zero tolerance on spiritual bypassing, racism and other asshattery over the last years. I’ve been so grateful for the way you straddled the worlds of channeling/reiki and anti-racism/anti-fascism. It helped me feel less alone.
I’m so sad you’re leaving the area (and for housing reasons - that makes it even worse) but I’m excited to witness your adventures here. I have no doubt you two will continue to make magic wherever you go. ❤️
We've never met in person, but I have always loved knowing you were just down the coast, so to speak. I'm inexplicably saddened at the idea of you being halfway (or more, really) across the country. I'm sorry your and Jon are having to have behind your home and community of 15 years, but I'm absolutely sure that whatever is in store for you will be magical. Sending you both much love and intentions for grace, ease, and flow. ✨🙏🏻💗