Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by Nora Herold

Physically exhausted as f***, yet feeling lighter inside, thank god. Achieving some small goals in physically manifesting reality that are very encouraging to continue the experiments. Getting great support from the new online family and building connections with my small family in the physical. Very satisfying gains I'm so glad the Capricorn sun is moving away from my rising I think I can already feel the new aquarian energies coming on in sun and Pluto and what a relief. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEijsF3uS-c

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I had that physical exhaustion for a couple of days last week myself. Glad to hear you're turning a corner :)

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by Nora Herold

Nora, I am probably a decade older than you, and I find that I have a strong urge to go "Home", hence my strong pull to Ireland. I was born in NYC but after my mother died when I was 14, my good Jewish father moved us all ( 6 kids ages 6-16) to rural Ireland. 1972, seemed like the USA in the fifties. I was in exile there, I lost my mother, my friends, my country, my country club. And I got out of there as fast as I could, leaving Ireland when I was 16. I met Michael when I was 19 and brought him "home" to meet my Dad. And we very rarely went back until about 12 years ago, ( I might have been the age you are now). I was a little confused as to where was "home", NYC or Ireland, but no family or friends were in NYC anymore. We started going once or twice a year for very extended stays. My father died in 2002, which made visiting much easier. And now when I am there I know I cleared any trauma, it took a few visits where I had almost an exorcism of pain, and now I am free and thankful that my father brought me to that beautiful landscape, and friendly intelligent, kind people. I almost have one foot in the door here and one there. I am very happy these days. About 5 minutes before I read this check-in post, I clicked the send button to my very first writer's grant application, which has taken me 10 days to write. This girl is on fire! I'm smiling. I love you!! P.S. Positive month is working, yes, there are a few tiny glitches, but I stop myself before the positive vibes disappear. And the element of SURPRISE is in the house.... Surprise! I wrote a grant!

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You wrote a grant!!!! Awesome!

Thanks for this share. So resonates.

For as long as we've lived in California, I have not ever been able to fully claim it as my home in the way I still can about Chicago.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

I Totally get that... home feeling, trees, neighbors, the air, the vibe... yes

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Just don't know how long that feeling of home will last, but that's okay. Working on being so in the moment with this one.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold


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Jan 17Liked by Nora Herold

Congratulations on your grant submission Susan! 💜

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Jan 15Liked by Nora Herold

Your plans sound more and more solid . . . which does seem both exciting and terrifying! The picture of Lake Michigan is absolutely beautiful! The family stuff is interesting - especially others having psychic abilities.

Last week I wrote about detaching from others energetically, but not feeling untethered. This week I feel somewhat less tethered. The finger thing is disruptive for me. When I feel physical pain in a prolonged kind of way, I feel . . . idk, persecuted, I think. It is not severe, but it is there. Also, I want to have some kind of flashing sign with any/all interactions letting people know what happened so they can be particularly compassionate with me :). But it's not just one thing. It's never just one thing.

Did I say that Celia was a rock star? She was - absolute rock star getting me to the urgent care and offering emotional support. Also (this is my attempt at positive January) - Thomas is helping out with work some and lightening my load there. Asking for help has it's benefits!

Okay - compassion. I'm going to do some writing for myself and see if I can find it.

I love you and can feel the excitement!

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I love that Celia. So great to hear about her healing self come forward.

So sorry about your injury. Jon was getting set to use a mandoline for something the next day, and I was like, "Maybe you shouldn't. Shannon just hurt herself."

He went ahead and was fine.

When I am in pain my irrational thought is that I am going to feel like this for the rest of my life, completely forgetting about healing being a process.

I love you too.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Compassion is from me to you. Pain sucks and sounds like you got helpers and I am one of them. Love to you

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you so much for your kindness and love! I very much appreciate it ❤️

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Jan 17Liked by Nora Herold

I am sorry you are experiencing pain. Compassion is such a wonderful message. Thanks for discussing it. Sending you love and feeling better vibes. 💚

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This earthy watery person over here has loved Capricorn season, so I’m sad to see it ending soon, but very excited for the larger cycle of Pluto not in Capricorn anymore. Definitely ready for that new magic.

I have felt very grounded the last few weeks, getting shit done, organizing my tasks, and feeling very on it. I started up a gym routine again and it feels so much better than it did when I was trying to effort myself into it last spring. Being kind, not nice, to myself has definitely been in my field, as well as getting some of the systems for my business more solidly set. I had a HUGE emotional release at ecstatic dance yesterday that was really a beautiful moment where I got to receive care from total strangers who are loving and also familiar with embodied trauma and emotional release. Really feeling the ripples since.

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Love it all and you. Thank you for sharing.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

After reading your article and some of the comments, I got the thinking, and I don’t think I think of anywhere as home anymore. I used to think of Kentucky as home since that’s where I lived until I got married at age 36, and I feel so transient since then. And honestly, all I’ve ever wanted is a forever place since I went to more schools than there are grades moving around the Louisville Kentucky area, my whole childhood. And I still don’t have that feeling of forever home. Living in Kenosha and now Antioch all I’ve dreamed of doing is getting out of here because I don’t like the weather at all and I like the mountains instead of the flat. It keeps getting put off because of my husband, and it has caused a lot of trouble for us. In fact, we had a not so positive January discussion about moving and how many more years we will be here this weekend. I’m really trying hard to be present and not be attached to anything and any timeframe. But I am excited that you may be moving back to this area and then we can meet in person. 😁

I’ve been really having a hard time since Christmas Eve with my migraines as you know, and the ER visit was the first that I’ve ever had with a migraine and it has been just ridiculous with the pain and everything I’ve been dealing with. Today is the first day I’ve actually been able to get on the computer for just a few minutes and be on my phone and iPad a little bit. I’m still trying to figure all of that out and how it happened and why. I am behind on everything and really have not felt like January started yet. Working on being more relaxed and not stressing about things because I think that’s a big part of what’s going on. Also, trying to let this lifetime and any other lifetime’s grief and sadness rise to the surface, because I think that may be part of it.

I am just so relieved that I’m finally feeling some better. And looking forward to the wonderful things that I know are coming.

I enjoyed your article and thanks for sharing. What is going on with us.

Love you!

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I am so sorry for all of your pain and am glad to know you are experiencing some relief now. Sending you love.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Thanks Nora! 💙

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Oh Vicki I am so sorry that you have been suffering so much. I send you healing energy.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you Susan! I appreciate the energy. 💜

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold

Vicki - I’m so sorry you are experiencing so much pain. Sending love.

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Jan 17Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you Shannon! 🩷

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold


Will you be moving any of your pet rats to Chicago?

-- Drew

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Only the pups will be moving with us. No rats needed.

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Jan 16Liked by Nora Herold


Great! I'm glad you're leaving the rats here so they can be food for the bitchin' Barn and Great Horned Owls here in Meiners Oaks. I knew you gave a hoot!!!

Hang in there........moving is a lot of work. I've got a strong gut feeling that You & Jon are going to be just fine!

-- Drew

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Thank you, Drew. I appreciate you.

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Jan 17Liked by Nora Herold

We are being called home to Southern California-can’t wait! Selling off, donating and tossing what we can and it feels so good.

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Oh my goodness. Where are you returning from?

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Jan 17Liked by Nora Herold

From the Pacific Northwest!

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Ah yes, that's right!

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Nora Herold

But it’s not tied to any anxiety or panic about needing to return. I worked through that but then just started experiencing a desire of my own to return. Then, right around the first of the year, I got the message that I have learned what I needed to and that I could return to a familiar place but in a new chapter.

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So beautiful. Where in SoCal are you headed?

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Jan 18Liked by Nora Herold

Thank you so much Vicki. Yes - compassion. I think I may set a timer to give myself a dose hourly. Your response is timely, ‘cause even though I wrote that 2 days ago, I keep forgetting I can give it to myself . . . Well, that and just accept that which is already available to me. I appreciate , and gratefully accept your love & good vibes 💚

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Jan 20Liked by Nora Herold

Hi Norah,

I have watched your channels last couple of years and my last couple of months have been tough. I'm an aquariun too and pluto in capricorn has been terrible for me. I opened myself up to all channels available on the Internet. One day I was talking to my own soul in my bed while drifting in and out of sleep. That used to be the best time for me drifting in and out and roaming the realms on my own. After 48 years, I just about learnt to deal with people on the planet with limited interaction. I was very particular about boundaries and not letting people into my space right from the time I was born (aspergers).

So I assumed I was talking to my own soul in a safe space and I used limited words since I assumed it was my own soul and non-physical self.

Well I got a response from a non-physical presence, people whom I listened to over the years, well intentioned but this set me off on a panic mode. I had assumed I was watching and reading things on the Internet in my own safe space.

I started getting real time feedback from other channeled entities too all well intentioned but this set me off badly.

Last couple of months on waking up I would remember just the last line of conversations I'm having in other realms with God knows who. This was a nightmare for me and I felt I had opened myself upto people from other realms. As bad as it sounds, even ascended masters from their realm have always been ' Other People' for me. On top of that hearing voices in my head directly made me feel that my head and my mind is not a private safe space for me.

My mind which was absolutely fine before all these 48 years suddenly went hotchpotch and feels it's not a safe space.

I only wanted to communicate with my own soul self, my non-physical self and I thought the rest I was watching at a safe distance (a lot of distance) on the Internet. Anything else does not work for me.

I'm only 48 and I don't want to be on the planet now. I wish I was 99 and about to leave.

Full time communication ( what psychics and channelers) do would be something like a 24/7 nightmare for. me. I've always wanted to be in my own safe space. Now I feel I'm not. Even if I do get nudges from my own soul self, I feel it's other entities dropping things into me.

Please help me with some advice from your guides.

The last message that I got was that I've volunteered to cut off my Angel Wings and represent falling from heavens all because I wanted to be in my own safe space in this realm and in other realms too.

Please let me know if I will get back to myself. This whole nightmare felt like I was stalked when it sunk into my human mind. I had a bad experience with stalking on this planet but even if that hadn't happened, I would have never preferred this.

Sorry to post my nightmare here but this is the first time I have actually posted my story.. I can't really talk to anyone else. Therapists and Psychiatrists

are not going to understand any of this.

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Hi Nish, I am so sorry you are having a rough time with all of this. There is too much here to respond to in a simple message here on Substack. This is also the kind of thing I do during private sessions. If you'd like me to explore this further with you, please feel free to book a session with me through my site.

I do also suggest you make sure that you have the appropriate psychological support in your life as well via a therapist or someone in that line of work.

Sending you love.

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