Pluto moves into direct station in Capricorn today, October 11, at 7:34pm Central Time for the last time in our lifetimes. It first went retrograde on May 2nd while it was in Aquarius where it had been since January 20th. It moved into Capricorn while still retrograding on September 1st and will move into Aquarius for good on November 19th. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until March 8, 2043.
Pluto direct in Capricorn for the last time has the potential to create some shakeups, facilitate some real clean-ups, and accelerate our paths forward.
From an astronomical perspective, Pluto took center stage in August 2006 when it was declassified as a planet and reclassified as a dwarf planet, and, well, Pluto has only gotten louder, bigger, and more in our faces since.
I don’t think there is another planet I have written and channeled about more in the last few years than Pluto. Not only are we experiencing the bigness of Pluto in Aquarius for the first time, but we are also still amid the energies of the United State’s first Pluto Return. Below are links to and some excerpts of some of the pieces I have written that feature Pluto and its effects on collective humanity.
The Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12, 2020, at 8:59am Pacific Time was the first big astrological Pluto event that grabbed my attention, so much so that Jon and I did a video for it. The theme was the smashing of the patriarchal constructs.
“This gateway is initiating change that will unfold for decades to come.”
This piece is from the Spring Equinox of 2023. This transmission occurred right as Pluto was moving into Aquarius for the very first time since last leaving it 225 years earlier. It offers an excellent perspective on how to dream big for the self and the collective in a grounded and practical way.
“Aquarius, Pluto and Aquarius, and Pluto being supported by the Aquarian energy is not interested in that kind of power grab. Aquarian energy wants to distribute power equitably for all consciousness. All consciousness.”
I was reminded to include this one by just being interrupted by a car driving the wrong way down our one-way street while incessantly honking. There are many details about Pluto and its journey bouncing between Capricorn and Aquarius over the past year and a half. It also includes information about the last time Pluto was in Aquarius (1777-1798) along with some thoughts on Trump and justice.
“Many wealth hoarders have had a field day while Pluto has sat in Capricorn, seeming not to understand the transformative nature of the moment, instead holding on with all of their might while the patriarchal structures begin to crack all around us.”
This piece initiated my sojourn into Ojai politics and became the first in a series of eighteen pieces. At the bottom of each piece is a link to the one that follows. Being called a dog while at the lectern, quelling an outburst that sent the council to chambers during a special meeting which landed me on the front page of the local paper, and constantly calling out abuses of power, misogyny, injustices, and a desire to serve our most vulnerable are just some of the things you’ll read about in the series. What used to be my small town is Everytown. So even though most of you reading do not have an Ojai connection, you’ll certainly be able to relate to the themes presented. Also, the cast of characters is not to be missed.
An update from Ojai: Mayor Stix has chosen not to run again for re-election (really, who can blame her? Thank you for your service Mayor Stix). The upcoming race is between Michelle Pineiro and Andy Gilman. If I were still living there I would loudly support Michelle. So I’ll do it from here. Good luck, Michelle, and good luck to all of Ojai.
“At this point, the misogynistic attacks against Mayor Stix became more than a rumble, they became deafening to those of us paying attention. She was publicly attacked, shamed, and humiliated by The Celebrity, our local newspaper, and the OVDC in their campaigns both for The Celebrity and against Stix. The ugliness was palpable as stories were tossed around about Mayor Stix and her affiliations, all as a way to mask the actual misogyny taking place, fueled, it seemed, by the aforementioned planning commissioner.”
This one is a look back on Pluto’s initial entry into Capricorn in 2008, the financial crash, and the “too big to fail” ideology.
“So what's happening right now is a bit of a callback to that moment where you're noticing the bigger structures still seem to be getting welfare. That's from our perspective as we look at it, when you look at subsidies and money and all that goes to the bigger structures, this is of a version of welfare, corporate welfare. And it seems that the individual, each of you is being left behind, just as you experienced this at the beginning of 2008, all throughout 2008, 2009, coming into 2010. The bigger structures took precedence and the individual, those most vulnerable experienced protracted suffering, loss of resources, and this is a wound that has not healed.”
and here are some of my thoughts about all the channled content in the previous piece.
“We will see the end of the era of the Plutocrats (beings whose power derives from their wealth) as there is no other sign that supports them the most than Capricorn. I would say the sign that supports them the least is Aquarius, so the opportunities for shifts in power where this is concerned are huge.
But right now, it’s looking like the wealth hoarders are winning and the rest of us are screwed. 2008 vibes, as I said.”
This transcribed excerpt is from our Eclipses event in October of 2023. It offers some excellent info on the energy of Pluto moving direct in Capricorn, abuses of power, and healing.
“So, how to deal with the now as you're waiting for that moment because here's where you're at? You're here now with Pluto still in Capricorn, not yet opening you all up to that equitable exchange of energy and resources. So, see the abuses of power right now exactly for what they are, abuses of power. Do not feel the need in any way shape or form to excuse these abuses of power and tell yourself that they are necessary for your evolution, because they are not. You do not need more suffering on your world to grow. That keeps you stuck in that loop of suffering. So you might catch yourself saying, “Ah look at that. You know, it's okay that this suffering is happening because it's highlighting this particular abuse of power.”
And finally, I’ll leave you with this one. It’s from our 8:8 Lion’s Gate Portal Event on August 8th.
”From our perspective, it denotes endings, Pluto returning to Capricorn for the last time. This is an ending of a particular power structure that has held sway on your world………………………..So when Pluto moves forward into Aquarius in mid-November no matter what drama has played out, no matter what games have been played or tried to be played, Pluto in Aquarius is going to say, “No, nice try.””
The Autumnal Equinox and Eclipses event on September 23rd also contained some information about Pluto and its direct motion in Capricorn, the audio recording for this event is available on my site here.
I am happy to announce that we’ll be gathering on Zoom at 1:00pm Central Time on Monday, November 4th for “The Change Moment Has Already Happened - Timeline Jumps” with The Pleiadians, Yeshua, & Ursula. This will be a lengthy channeled transmission with processes for healing and creation along with a Q & A session. We’ll be dreaming big in this one. Register Now
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Wow! Big information, thank you! I’ve got plenty to listen to and absorb. And need a little patience and faith until November 😊
Thank you Nora. Patience, the age of aquarius is comining. The last few days are always the hardest and we're so tired...