Sitemap - 2023 - Operate From Joy

The Element of Surprise - Ursula The Faerie

Full Moon in Cancer and Full Bellies Tuesday Morning/Weekly Check-In Post

Tears Falling On Deaf Ears

Solstice Miracles and The City of Ojai

The Solstice is Coming! Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Post

From Palestine to Pickleball

Monday Morning/Weekly Mercury is Already Retrograde for Me Check-In Post


Monday Morning/Weekly I Know I Have Been Sending Out a Lot of Emails Lately and I Promise I'll Cool It - Check-In Thread

Not Ready to Vote for Peace

Thank You So Much For Being Here

What Kind of Spell Is This?

I Finally Bought The Coat - Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Post

Mining the Gold in Your Shadow - The Pleiadians

Gratitude Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Post

Don't Cry For Me Ojai

Maybe You Can Go Home - Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Post

Moving Magic - Following the Breadcrumbs

I'm 56 Years Old and a Total Loser

Monday Morning/Weekly Trying Not to Freak Out Check-In Thread

Pluto, Eclipses, Your Yin, and The Age of Aquarius - The Pleiadians

Standing on the Edge of a Cliff Once More

Post Lunar Eclipse I Avoided The Fight - Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread

Self-Care on This Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

It's My Fault I Got Called a Dog, It's The Mayor's Fault I Got Called a Dog, It's Everyone Else's Fault but His.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Ahead Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread


My Writing Sucks

Monday Morning/Weekly Post Solar Eclipse Check-In Thread

Here We Go - Eclipses Incoming

Put The Dog on a Leash

Monday Morning/Weekly My Heart is Broken Check-In Thread

I Tried Not to be Sick

Pluto Retrograde and the 2008 Echoes - The Pleiadians

Post Full Moon in Aries Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread

Like a Bad Penny - A Bookend of Bullshit

I am So Over Pluto Retrograding Through Capricorn Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread

Suspension of Disbelief

That's Not Your Roommate, That's Your Dead Grandmother

Mercury is Direct ~ Equinox Ahead ~ Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread

I'll See Your Brown Act Violation and Raise You a Conspiracy Theory

Psychics Have to do Laundry Too

Last Week of Mercury in Retrograde Monday Morning/Weekly Check-In Thread

Deepening of the Integration of the Higher Self - The Pleiadians

Sneaky, Izzy, and The Smurf — A Tale of Three Kitties

Monday Morning/Weekly Check-in Thread

Dot, Dot, Goose!

Another Big Freaking Wave

8:8 and Feeling Great - The Pleiadians

Elephants Were on the Agenda

We've Not Even Begun to Grieve

The Councilwoman Wore Black

Sort of Been Kissed

Venus Cazimi Coming In Hot and a Big Light Show This Weekend

Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs...............

I Want to Write,

"'Sorry' Seems to be the Hardest Word"

I Wore Pink Underwear to the Farmers' Market on Thursday

"I Did Not Call You Crazy" and Some Other Bullshit

I Don't Know Who I Am Right Now

Who and What You Love - The Pleiadians

City Hall Redux -"These People Are Crazy",

All About The Nodes - Lunar Not Lymph

Pluto Misogyny Showdown at City Hall

Neptune Retrograde and Your Dreams - The Pleiadians

On Writing and Rejection and Writing Again

Neptune, the Moon, a Broken Flag, and a Magical Princess

Being an Uplifter - Ursula The Faerie

Saturn is Retrograde in Pisces and.............Wait............What Was I Talking About?

Happy Solstice

Do You Believe in Faeries?

The Rainbow Light - Ursula and The Pleiadians

Pluto is Back in Capricorn and Driving is Once Again an Olympic Sport

Finding my Rhythm

Magical Thinking, Global Warming, and a Clothing Line

Welcome and Some Magic for You Today

In and Out of the Flow — The Pleiadians

What Did I Do?

Timelines and Pluto in Aquarius — The Pleiadians & Yeshua

The Fast Moving Energy and How to Best Play with It — The Pleiadians

Living Through Accelerated Change and Jumping Into The New — The Pleiadians